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Growing Pains

Building a business from the ground up is no small feat. To get a dream off the ground, you have to wear all the hats; from President to Chief Financial Officer to Chief Marketing Officer to Warehouse Manager. Seriously. It’s pure adrenaline at first.

And then one day you realize that you are off the ground and running. And there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done. You haven’t taken a vacation without your computer in years. Every single process depends on you. The adrenaline rush is starting to wear off and you are starting to show signs of strain.

You wake up in a panic in the night, trying to remember if you forwarded the IRA Delinquency Notice to your bookkeeper, who is doing his best but as operations grow, doesn’t have the depth of experience in the higher level accounting processes you need to make decisions.

Even though you have one of your office employees posting regularly, you haven’t had time to look at a social media or website analytics report in months.

Product costs are rising but you have no way of knowing which products are most affected and what the market will allow as far as price increase.

You assume the clients are happy since sales are growing but have no metrics in place to determine the actual retention rate of your customer base.

Your employee turnover is higher than it should be but you are not sure what to do about it so you just keep the “job available” listing up on Indeed.

You want to hand off some of your responsibilities but don’t know where to begin and if you are honest, aren’t sure who on your team is best suited.

You have a great idea for a new product that you know has real potential. You would love to hire a Chief of Operations to free you up to develop this but can’t float the six figures in your budget that it would take to attract the right talent.

Don’t despair! There is another way. You can hire the Ginger Lee Solutions team to come in on a fractional role which means at a fraction of the cost of a full-time executive team member. You will be amazed at the strength we can bring to your team on a part-time, contract basis. Whether it’s developing healthy teams, creating metric-driven processes, functioning as controller or mapping cohesive company branding, we can help ease your growing pains! Contact us for a free consult today.

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